„In keiner Religion“, rief kürzlich eine aus, die sich auskennt, die Melanie Muhaxheri nämlich, Präsidentin der Muslimischen Frauenorganisationen Schweiz, „in keiner Religion haben Frauen mehr Rechte als im Islam“.
In der arabischen Welt, die gewiß nur zufällig weitgehend identisch ist mit der islamischen Welt, scheint es der feministischsten Religion aller Zeiten und Unzeiten allerdings nicht mehr gut zu gehen, sofern Melanie Muhaxheri die Wahrheit sprach:
„The sexual harassment of women in the streets, schools and work places of the Arab world is driving them to cover up and confine themselves to their homes, said activists at the first-ever regional conference addressing the once taboo topic. [..]
As many as 90 percent of Yemeni women say they have been harassed, while in Egypt, out of a sample of 1,000, 83 percent reported being verbally or physically abused.
A study in Lebanon reported that more than 30 percent of women said they had been harassed there.
‚We are facing a phenomena that is limiting women’s right to move … and is threatening women’s participation in all walks of life,‘ said Nehad Abul Komsan, an Egyptian activist who organized the event with funding from the U.N. and the Swedish development agency.“