Worte für all jene, die meinen, es würde eine „Palästinenser“–„Regierung“ geben, die ernsthaft an Gesprächen mit Israel interessiert ist:
„The Palestinian Authority is trying to thwart understandings between Washington and Jerusalem regarding a package of American incentives that would come in return for a new three-month settlement freeze by Israel, a senior Israeli official said Tuesday. [..]
‚The political benefits that Israel would receive as part of the package of understanding with the U.S. are not acceptable to the Palestinians because they ease some of the pressure on Israel and make it impossible for [the Palestinians] to apply their strategy of evading direct talks and of trying to force Israel into an arrangement through UN resolutions,‘ added the official. „
„Palestinian opposition to the US proposal to freeze settlement construction for three months is behind the fact that Washington has not yet issued an official written draft of the proposal to Israel, a government official was quoted as saying Tuesday.
‚The benefits that Israel is supposed to receive are not acceptable to the Palestinians because they prevent them from avoiding direct talks,‘ Army Radio quoted the official as saying.“